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To AP Or Not To AP? Answers To Commonly-Asked Questions

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To AP Or Not To AP? Answers To Commonly-Asked Questions
One of the most commonly asked questions in our practice is: “Does it matter if I take AP courses or not?” The answer depends on what courses are the right fit for the individual student, and what the student’s aspirations are.
Will I Be Able To Handle The Work?
The first, and, what might seem like an obvious consideration, is whether the student can handle the course work in an AP class. If a student is working hard and feeling stressed with schoolwork or routinely staying up to the wee hours of the morning to complete homework then adding to the workload might not be a good idea. However, if the student is up too late due to texting friends, posting to Instagram or playing video games earlier in the evening then an A.P. course might be possible if the student re-prioritized study time.
An AP course prepares students for the challenges of college.
What If I Get A Lower Grade?
Another common question is “Am I better off getting an A in a lower-leveled course than a B in an A.P. course?” In a New York Times interview, Jeff Rickey, former Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at St. Lawrence University, said, “As we admissions officers say when we are asked this question, ‘An A in an Advanced Placement class!’ But, seriously, students should take the most challenging course that is best for them. The extra challenge of the AP course may prepare the student better for the challenge of college courses.”
For selective colleges that expect students to have AP courses to be seriously considered for admission, a student is absolutely better off taking the more rigorous course and earning a B. Where possible, it is a good idea for students to try at least one AP course before the end of high school. Likewise, if a student is in college preparation courses, they could try one advanced college prep or honors course. The idea is to challenge oneself a little more.
If I Don’t Take AP Will My Choices Be Limited?
The honest answer is yes. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. By doing what is right for you as an individual and taking classes where you will learn and succeed you will not only expand your college list, but also develop one that is more realistic. Depending on your high school, the most highly selective colleges will expect to see four or so AP courses on your transcript. In some school systems, AP courses start as early as sophomore year and students applying to the most selective colleges would be expected to take advantage of a good percentage of them. In such schools, it is not uncommon for students to take four or more AP courses per year. But most students are not taking this many AP courses and most colleges do not expect students to enroll in so many of these challenging courses. So setting expectations for admission in line with the curriculum you have taken is essential.
Keep in mind that students can totally stress themselves by taking a too rigorous course load because they dream of one school in particular. They may not realize that for highly selective colleges, most everyone applying has the course rigor, the strong grades, and the test scores (though many colleges are now test optional). So at that level, the colleges are looking for other factors to differentiate the student. Don’t get yourself into a situation where you are incredibly stressed in pursuit of a college that might not be an option anyway.
Are The Colleges That Do Not Expect Lots of AP Courses Good Options?
Absolutely. There are many wonderful liberal arts colleges and universities with strong students and excellent faculty that do not focus as much on the number of advanced courses a student has taken. Take a look at Colleges That Change Lives and Colleges of Distinction and start investigating. Highly regarded universities such as University of Vermont, Syracuse and others also consider strong students without AP. This will vary depending on the college and the major. This can be confusing and that is why we assist high school students in creating a college list and making appropriate course choices, so contact us today if you need assistance.