Resources and Webinars
Empower your educational goals with valuable information and tools.
Our Educational Advocates, team has carefully curated a wealth of resources and webinars to provide you with the guidance, insights, and tools you need to navigate the path towards higher education. Whether you’re seeking advice on college planning, exploring scholarship opportunities, or looking for expert tips on crafting compelling applications, our collection of resources will empower you to make informed decisions and take confident steps towards achieving your educational aspirations. Explore the links below and unlock a world of knowledge and support to fuel your college journey.

College Planning
What You Need to Know About College Admissions in 2022 Webinar – with Educational Advocates President, Joan Casey and College Consultant, Laurel Weijer
College Navigator – Department of Education college search engine
Disability and Health Information
- Wrights Law – special education law and advocacy
- Learning Disability Advisory is an excellent source of information related to the transition to college for students with a learning disability.
Accessible College is a resource for those with medical, physical and other disabilities.
- PACER – Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights
Learning Disability, ADHD and Neurodivergent
Applying to College for Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Webinar – with Educational Advocates President Joan Casey and College Consultant Ildi Szekely
Who Gets in and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions by Jeffrey Selingo
You may think you know the in’s and out’s of college admissions but, Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions by Jeffrey Selingo gives you the fly on the wall view of what actually happens inside the admissions office. He also challenges the notion of what makes a good college and delves into what actually determines an acceptance.
Where You’ll Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania by Frank Bruni
In Where You’ll Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania Frank Bruni challenges the notion of a college being a determining factor for the kind of person a student becomes way past their classroom days. The college process, which can be anxiety inducing and intense for some students and parents, can be eased by understanding what actually matters to employers and graduate schools and in post-college life in general.
The Fiske Guide to Colleges by Edward B. Fiske
The Fiske Guide to Colleges provides detail on all aspects of campus life, from academic offerings and distribution requirements, to campus culture and descriptions of the surrounding community.
The Princeton Review’s “The Best Colleges” by The Princeton Review and Robert Franek
The Princeton Review’s “The Best Colleges” series is useful for its admissions selectivity information and campus student surveys.
The Truth about College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting In and Staying Together by Brennan Barnard & Rick Clark
The Truth about College Admission is a comprehensive guide for families beginning their college admissions journey. The authors provide essential advice from the perspectives of a high school counselor and a college admission director.
Insider’s Guide to the Colleges by Yale Daily News
Insider’s Guide to the Colleges by Yale Daily News gives a first-hand perspective with students on campus telling you what you really want to know about their schools.
Colleges that Change Lives by Loren Pope offers overviews of small, liberal arts schools that will change the way you think about colleges.
Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities by Elizabeth Hamblet is an indispensable resource for students with learning differences or disabilities–and their parents. It is not only a tool for thinking about where to apply to college, but also how to manage once on campus with practical tips and advice from college professionals.
K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or AD/HD by The Princeton Review provides a summary of the level of support and services offered by colleges along with admission procedures.
Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need To Know About Getting Into College by Sally Springer, Jon Reider and Joyce Vining Morgan. This excellent book touches on most aspects of the admissions process and provides sound advice.
The Parents We Mean to Be by Harvard’s Richard Weissbourd cautions that we are doing our children a disservice by driving them toward achievement at all costs. He touches on how the college admissions frenzy fits into this dynamic and does so with a helpful, non-judgmental tone.
Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years by Coburn and Treeger gives an overview of how college has changed since the parents of today’s teens were students and what college students are encountering on campus.
You’re On Your Own (But I’m Here If You Need Me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years by Marjorie Savage, the director of the parent-liaison program at the University of Minnesota, provides advice to parents about letting go and how to respect a child’s independence while still providing support.
The Price of Admission, How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges and Who Gets Left Outside the Gate by Daniel Golden
If you have ever wondered why the boy next door with the nearly A average in all honors /advanced placement classes and the close to perfect SAT scores didn’t get into the college of his choice, you might want to read The Price of Admission, How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges and Who Gets Left Outside the Gate by Daniel Golden, a former Wall St. Journal reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize for his series of articles on which the book is based.
Financial Aid and Loans
- FinAid – financial aid, college scholarships, and student loans
- Mapping Your Future – financial strategies, career options and college planning